Vancity members have made a conscious choice to support ethical financial investment by putting our money into Vancity. That's because we value our neighbourhoods, our fellow neighbours, and the environment we all live in.
To keep our credit union strong, and at the forefront of making good decisions with our money we need to make sure that Vancity members can hold whoever is in charge of the boardrooms accountable for the decisions they make. Whether that is how our money is invested, to what kind of place Vancity is to work at for the thousands of employees of the credit union.
We have a shared and proud tradition of civic engagement, social philanthropy and environmental leadership, so let's organize to keep building bigger and better things, together.
Have an idea you want to put out to other Vancity members to see what they think? It all starts by getting connected with each other. If we enough Vancity members to sign up to show their support for this kind of direct organizing we can start putting together shared proposals to help keep our credit union strong and ethical.
Sign up you'll be able to share your idea with others, and stay informed about the work and campaigns of other Vancity members who are acting together to make change happen!
We are already group of committed and principled individuals, who know what we want, and how to make ethical decisions with our money. Together we can make our credit union the best in the world when it comes to smart and responsible companies!